Next Clinics and Charity event.
The Next Clinics laboratories and the Nextlife health portal have become a proud partner at the successful charity event of Jan Tuna, who with his project A Dost! initiated to support a nationwide collection and help to get at least another 60 tons of food to help single parents, single seniors or families in crisis.
The charity event was accompanied by a streamed concert and was also supported by celebrities Dagmar Pecková, Tonya Graves, Ondřej Gregor Brzobohatý, Ondřej Ruml, Adéla Elbel, Dalibor Gondík or Iva Pazderková and others. Thirty performers perform at the event at this time without the right to a fee. The patronage was taken over by Zdeněk Hřib, Mayor of the Capital City of Prague, and Hana Třeštíková, Councilor for Culture of the Capital City of Prague.
The collection reached its goal and 61.3 tons of food in the Czech Republic and another 1.4 tons in Slovakia were gained. The food will be donated to those who need it most.
Despite this year's non-standard situation the event was realized. Next Clinics (and NL-BioLab laboratory) tested all performers and Jan Tuna from A DOST !, thus becoming a support for the organizational team.